Ancestral Healing & Education Program Level 1 & 2


AHTP is a complete, pure, channeled, high healing energy program gifted to Dr Pam by the Supreme Spirit Source and Masters of Lights, to gift healing & freedom from ancestral shadows to humanity.
Through this spiritual science energy, with ‘Masters from Lights’, the ‘Ancestral Imprints, Beliefs, Thoughts, Habits, Curses, Tragedies, Ailments, Anything Unhealed’, are worked upon.


Aim & Benefits:-
1. To attain healing & resolutions in seven generations of maternal & paternal lineage.
Attain resolutions to impressions of existing & ongoing ancestral karmic debts, sufferings in the lineages.
2. To gift Ancestral Practitioners to society – for students who wish to take ahead this learning for gifting healing to humanity.
3. Aid in life growth at physical, health, mind & spiritual levels.
When ancestors are freed, with energy healing, ascension with Masters & liberation to light, there’s a huge shift and progress experienced in life.
4. Aid in spiritual progress and soul evolution of the individual with the gift of Masters, step ahead in spiritual growth, awareness and awakening.
5. Attain freedom from repetitive patterns of ancestral blocks, that’s preventing life blocks.
6. Shadow healing of ancestral imprints and freedom to personality.
Peacemaking for life progress through high energy healing process.


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