LOVE HEALING MEDITATION (Healing of Past & Current Relationship Imprints, Emotional turmoil & Soul Discords)


Event Details:
Join us for a powerful light and Masters guided meditation to heal your relationships and bring more love to your life.



Event Organizer – Mind Scan™️
Date – 06th August 2022
Timings – 04:30Pm to 06:00Pm IST
Platform – Mind Scan™️’s Google Meet Platform.

Benefits :-
1)Heart Activation healing.This would help in heart expansion, growth , progress in life and life purpose.
2)Love healing- infusing the Masters code energies in hearts of humanity, clears energetic impressions and blocks & attain resolution.
3)Attain freedom from all the negative blocks in your relationship, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
4)Release of negative thought patterns and detach from emotions through the virtue of Love & Forgiveness .
5)Undergo Love Karmic imprints healing bring all sorts of Abundance into life .
6)Enhance Self Love and elevate your energy vibration.
7)You are able to manifest newer growth and learnings,with Love and thus attract positive people who are meant for the life path evolution.

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