The Masters’ Practitioner Course (Online)


About MPC-
A modality of healing through Spiritual Science Energy where a Learner/ Student is transformed as a Practitioner gifted with tools to heal self, mankind and society.
The program is a transformational course which transforms the individual positively and function as an awakened being.
Being a channeled program, this program is very beneficial for individuals who are keen to heal their health, mind and unprocessed memory energies.

How does this work?
An individual undergoing the Masters’ Practitioner program, receives a series of invocations and channeling of energy from the Divine plane consciousness and Ascended Masters’ Rays which empowers them with the energy to heal.


Suitability –
1) All individuals who are Inclined/ Believers of Spirituality and Natural Science Healing.
2) Male/ Female adults who wants to heal themselves and their life.
3) Practitioners of Energy Healing, Hypnotherapy, Light Workers, Reiki, Pranic, Angel, Crystal Healing, Psychology, Bach, Alternate modality Practitioners, Teachers, Yoga Therapists, Reflexologists, Theosophists, Physiotherapists, Naturopaths.
4) Individuals interested in improving/ awakening their spiritual and creative growth in the field of learning, dancing, writing, drawing, etc.
5) Individuals who are drawn towards the knowledge and study of Ascended Masters and Awakened beings and their purposes with mankind.
6) Individuals looking to heal chronic ailments and long standing sufferings of soul, mind and life.

Level 1 – Ms. Madhuri Putrevu
An Academician, Divine Teacher, Mentor with Mind Scan™️, who’s dedicated her life to spread the lights and messages of spirituality, healing with humanity.

Level 2 – Dr Prameela Sreemangalam (Dr Pam)
Founder – Mind ScanTM, Author, Psychotherapist & Life Coach is a 50 Top Global Mental Health Leader, Outstanding Mental Health Achiever and multiple award winner with two decades of experience.
This healing modality, was gifted to- received & downloaded directly by Dr Pam under the supreme guidance from Ascended Masters of Lights & witness of Divine Truth.


Application of this therapy can benefit:-
1) In Physical Diseases/ Ailments
2) In Psychological Areas
3) In Spiritual Areas
4) In Ethereal Areas
5) In Soul & Life Areas

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